Smoke CBD Bud Shops Near Me
In case you haven’t noticed, CBD products have gotten really popular recently: oils, tinctures, capsules, edibles, topicals, and more!But it turns out that there’s something even more powerful than all of these: CBD hemp flower. CBD hemp flower is CBD’s most natural form. While smoking hemp flower might sound strange, it’s actually the easiest and most time-tested way to get your CBD. Think of CBD hemp flower as conventional cannabis’s mild-mannered sibling. Made from the budding tops of the mature hemp plant, hemp flower is high in CBD but very low in THC. Many CBD hemp flower strains match their low THC content with an ultra-high cannabidiol content of 7-10% or more. CBD hemp flower’s ratio of CBD to THC is off the charts. No wonder it has such relaxing, anti-stress qualities. Reason #1: CBD Hemp Flower is delicious This first reason is one of the most obvious reasons to smoke hemp. Hemp flower looks, smells, and tastes delicious! While the term “hemp” may conjure up mental images of fibers or rope, hemp flower has come far enough in recent years to rival its high-THC sibling, cannabis. CBD Flower near me hemp flower is full of flavorful terpenes — just like the cannabis strains you may or may not enjoy. Smoking CBD hemp flower just wouldn’t be worth it if it didn’t taste delicious. Thankfully, that’s not the case. Many of our customers say that the taste of our high CBD, THC-a hemp flower is their very favorite thing about it! And with 20 iconic strains in the Cannaflower catalogue, there’s something for everybody. Reason #2: CBD Hemp Flower kicks in fast Another good thing about CBD hemp flower? It kicks in fast.Unlike what you’d see with CBD oils or tinctures, you don’t have to wait around for the effects to kick in, wondering whether or not you took enough. Hemp flower is so fast-acting that you can feel its effects immediately. Its cannabinoids and terpenes directly benefit your brain and endocannabinoid system. With the very first inhale comes feelings of peacefulness, bliss, and calm. There’s practically no risk of anxiety, either, since all our hemp flower tests in at less than 0.3% THC. Reason #3: CBD Hemp smokers engage the ‘entourage effect’ While modern medicine tends to focus on the isolation and purification of chemical compounds, studies have shown that hemp works differently. Its active ingredients actually work far better when they’re taken together. Science calls this compound + compound synergy the “entourage effect.” These active ingredients include dozens of cannabinoids, hundreds of terpenes, and all sorts of flavonoids and antioxidants. Even the best full-spectrum hemp oil can’t capture it all!But CBD hemp flower can. It’s completely unprocessed and features everything you’d expect to find in hemp, including CBD, CNB, CBG, THC, THCA, terpenes, cannaflavones, and more. Reason #4: CBD Hemp Flower could replace nicotine Could CBD Flower near me hemp flower help cigarette smokers ditch the habit?This might sound too good to be true, but it’s not. Studies have shown that the cannabinoids in hemp flower may have anti-addictive properties! And the real-world experience of our customers backs this concept up. People who are addicted/dependant on nicotine often report that their cravings are down.